Tag Archive for scandal

I Love Olivia Pope, Flaws and All–NOT!


I just saw Kerry Washington’s interview on The View, and I was pleased.  Pleased with her response to women who say that they want to be like Olivia Pope.  She said it’s fine if you want to talk like her or dress like her, but not if you’re talking about sleeping with married men and drinking wine all day.  So true.  I admit that I do love her wardrobe (the Scandal clothing line is in The Limited now by the way), but I recognize that her relationship with the POTUS is indeed a character flaw for obvious reasons.  It’s not a trait to be desired or applauded.  No one likes a home wrecker.  In fact I’m rooting for one of two things to happen by the end of this show–Mellie to defeat Liv in the battle for her marriage (with Fitz being all in of course) or for Mellie to move on and be happy with someone else while leaving Fitz alone to lament the loss of his wife, who was the best woman for him, and the loss of his lover.  That’s right.  I said A-lone.  My idea of a happy ending does NOT include Liv and Fitz riding off into the sunset together or standing in the sun together for that matter.  It involves true reconciliation of a covenant relationship ordained by God, which is marriage between a man and a woman.  If I can’t get that then I’ll settle for Fitz paying dearly for the heck he’s put his wife through because of another woman.  He should not be rewarded for his indiscretions by getting to live happily ever after with his mistress.  I know, I know.  It’s just a television show, and you’re probably thinking that it’s not that serious.  But I happen to like the show, and I happen to have strong feelings about this one key piece of the plot puzzle as all respectable, God-fearing women should.  Besides, I would hate for the enemy, satan, to subtly deceive you into thinking that this behavior is acceptable through an innocent woman crush on Olivia Pope.  First Lady Michelle Obama and I agree.


I love this!

lol.  I’m just sayin’.

I wonder what all y’all Scandal fans are thinking.  What is your prediction of Olivia and the Prez’s future?